Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Viewer Discretion Advised

I should be working right now but I wanted to post the post-bandage picture for all those who were interested. If no one is interested just don't tell me cause I like to think people are. It's less gross looking the more you look at it.

Also, as a side note, now that Amy has a boyfriend she likes to hang out with I'm more available for things such as helping eat other people's food, watching TV and/or movies, going places such as shopping (window mostly till the deductible is paid off), and babysitting. Any takers let me know.


Michelle Claire said...

I'd come hang out with you!!!!! There's just this little issue with living in two totally different states... stink.... (I love saying that. I don't know why, but saying just 'stink' sounds cool to me. Wierd, I know.)

The Clifts said...

Ikea Saturday. Please don't make me go by myself...with my kids.

Elizabeth said...

Click, anyone?
and your wound? mmmmppphhh. haha. ;o)