Sunday, July 20, 2008


Ok, I got the pictures of the blood on the sidewalk and also some from our trip to the lake/river earlier today. It was fun, crazy hot but fun.

As you can see from the picture Charlie wasn't much of a fan of the boat.

It looks kinda pink now but it was red before!!

That's my scared face!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Da Da Dum.....

That's supposed to sound dramatic, not sure if it works or not. I write to you today from Fruita, Colorado! Kelsey was nice enough to invite me along to visit her family there/here. It's been fun so far and it sounds like we're gonna go boating today, I'm excited!

GUESS WHAT!!?? I was very nearly murdered the other night! Ok, not really but almost. Kelsey, Lizzie and I walked out the front door about 10:30 at night to go get treats for our road trip and when we walked out I noticed a Sherrif's van in the driveway! The first thing he said was to ask if we had a hose because he wanted to wash the blood of our driveway! WHAT?! Apparently two drunk guys thought our front yard was a great place to have a fight! The worst part is we didn't hear a thing! Amy was at home in our half of the house and said she thought it was Ben (Kelsey's husband) and Devon (Kelsey's brother) being wierd.
Don't worry we took pictures of the blood-stain, they are however on Kelsey's camara and I don't know if she's awake yet. It's about 8:30 Saturday morning and I wish I wasn't awake yet but I am so there you go. I'll post pictures as soon as I get them off her camara.
PS. Don't worry Mom, I'm sure I'm safe where I live, I lock the dead-bolt even when I'm home.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yuck-O but neccesary

You should all be so proud, I made an appointment with the Dr today because I'm pretty sure I have carpel tunnel or something like that and people keep telling me I need to get my wrist looked at and I also made a Dentist appointment (I'm pretty sure I have a cavity dag nab it!) If you know how much I hate the Dentist you would know what an amazing deal that is.
I should probably get back to work now as I'm at work and that's what I should be doing.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Friends are great!

So I was at Ben and Kelsey's again yesterday (I hope they aren't tired of me yet) and Ben came back inside from walking his sister and her family out and dropped the bomb that my tire was flat! I totally blame a certain friend for this because she just had a flat tire and my car is so sympathetic that it didn't want the other car to feel bad so it purposly drove over a nail. Ok so maybe I drove over the nail but the real culprit is whoever was trying to hang a picture in the middle of the road.....what were they thinking!? Anyway Ben is so nice that he changed my tire for me and Kelsey and Amy are so nice both of them offered to take it in for me tomorrow to get it fixed and Kelsey is even letting me use her van. I would use Amy's car but it's been approximately 13 years since I've driven a stick and I'm sure her car wouldn't be the same after the trip.
The wrap up is that I love my friends and I'm glad they are in my life, not just for stuff they do for me but because they are wonderful people and make my life better.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nice, Nice People

I have my furniture!! (did I spell that right?) My family was nice enough to dig my stuff out of the garage and Amy's family was nice enough to drive it up here between soccer tournaments.. I'll take some pictures and post them so you can see how cool it looks. It's so nice to have all my stuff from home again, it makes me glad that this place wasn't furnished. My place is much homier now that I have my stuff.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you to all involved!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th...almost

I'm so excited that Kelsey and fam are back!! I realized when she and Amy were both gone that I really need to make more friends in case they are both gone at the same time again!
Kelsey and Lizzie and I went to the Freedom Festival today, it was a little warmer than I'd like but it was fun to be out with friends looking at all the cute yet mostly overpriced stuff at all the booths.
I'm now babysitting while Kelsey and Ben are at a movie, I'm such an awsome babysitter that I had both of the twins laughing at the same time!! That's all I've got for now, I'm now going to attempt the terribly difficult task of moving the sleeping babies up to their room......wish me luck!