Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nothing really

April was not a good month. May will be better. That's my motto for now. Seems like lots of bad stuff happened and not much good in April. I was talking to my roommate a few weeks ago about some of the not good stuff that happened and how when my friends hurt, I hurt. She said something to the effect of her liking to believe that when we hurt with our friends, in some small way we're feeling some of their pain so they don't have to feel it all. It sounds really dumb written out like that but the thought gave me comfort at the time. Hopefully it's true.
May started off Ok except I've been coughing for weeks because of the weird Utah air, crazy mountains holding in all the pollution and stuff. It got better today when I found out I'm getting a raise (Woohoo!!). See, I told you May was gonna be better!

Thanks to my wonderful friends for loving me and letting me be part of your lives!


Michelle Claire said...

I LOVE YOU KATHY!!!! (I yelled it 'cause that's how much I mean it.)

The Clifts said...

You know how May could be AMAZING? By coming to Texas. We are opened anytime, just waiting for you to come. :) Or August I guess is okay too.

Ruthie said... put such a smile on my face. Anyone that has you for a friend is soooo blessed. Congrats on the raise. You pretty much Rock!!