I decided to put the lights back up on my bed, they make me happy.

The view from next to my bed, the dresser and book case. I had to get rid of my entertainment center, there just isn't room in my new place and it didn't actually survive the move very well.

I used some sheer material I found at my parents as a bed skirt, it only covers the front of the bed but that's all you see anyway, it'll be easier to clean too.

The other wall is taken up by the nice big closet, it's all organized for now too, we'll see how long that lasts.
Cute- Where's the TV? I miss that.
Very cute! I LOVE the lights!! You should always decorate on what makes you smile, not what is in the books or whatever!! I have learned the best way to de clutter is if it doesn't make you smile anymore, get rid of it!!
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