One last thought for the night....I'm pretty sure Costco cheated me on my frozen yogurt you could park a car in there. Ok not a real car but you know what I mean.

This guy had a cool reptile show, he was really funny and good with the kids (wonder if he's single?) The creepiest part was when he was showing how "safe" this huge black scorpion was by putting it in his mouth!! The whole thing. It was pretty gross.
Even worse though that the scorpion in the mouth part was when Elizabeth and I went past a booth where they had some muscle/joint type cream. Elizabeth has arthritis so she told the guy and he squirted some on her hand.....then he looks and me and says "How about you Mom?" What the !?!?!?! I said "Mom?" so he responded by saying, "well, you're somebody's mom right?" No actually I'm not and by the way I'm not pregnant either, I'm just chubby in case you were gonna make me feel better about myself by asking that next. It hurt at first but then I remember that most people tell me I look young for my age so I'm gonna stick with that thought.
That night we all went to Jared's (Amy's Finace') house for a BBQ and watched him eat the biggest hamburger ever, I'll have to get the pictures from Amy so you can see.
Aren't they just too cute for words....
After the BBQ we went to watch the firework show put on my Sandy city. We got some good seats on the hill at a high school near where they shot them off.
Its really hard to take a picture of fireworks because by the time I clicked the button the sparks were gone, here's the one I got.
This is Amy, Me and Elizabeth
We weren't too far back, it was standing room only unless you paid to be a VIP. It was the closest I've been to a mosh pit, yes I realize I'm fairly sheltered. It was really fun even when I had to keep pushing people away from jumping on me. There was even a guy there who tried to do the "Edward hair" (if you don't know what I mean by that you should really watch Twilight). It just really didn't work for him at all, not the type at all to pull it off. Delia and I kept joking that someone was going to loose something in it.