Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturyday is a special day....

I was woken up early this morning for a really dumb reason so I was rather annoyed. I tried and tried to go back to sleep but it just wouldn't happen. I finally got up and used my annoyed energy to do something productive.
My kitchen sparkles now (as long as you don't look at the floor) and the laundry is done.
After all that was done Kelsey and I made our weekly trek to the Farmer's Market. I love our tradition of going even though the only thing we usually get is cookies!
Here is a picture I took of Jemma on my phone. We had to take her out incognito because of how cute she is the paparazzi usually follows here around.


Deon Christensen said...

she does look cute!

Elizabeth said...

what woke you up?
cute picture.
i'm jealous i don't get to go to the farmer's market with you girls.