that you take good sized bites and your teeth are straight? ;)
love is in the air. almost a month away from V-day. Whose going to be your Valentine?
that you having a giving heart and maybe it's time to share it with someone, I wonder who??
I think it means that you have a lot of love in your life, but there is always room for more.
...or you really like apples??? ...or you are already in a secret relationship and you are using the apple as an excuse to let the world know??...or... what everyone else said??hehehe :) Miss you Kathy!!!!
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that you take good sized bites and your teeth are straight? ;)
love is in the air. almost a month away from V-day. Whose going to be your Valentine?
that you having a giving heart and maybe it's time to share it with someone, I wonder who??
I think it means that you have a lot of love in your life, but there is always room for more.
...or you really like apples???
...or you are already in a secret relationship and you are using the apple as an excuse to let the world know??
...or... what everyone else said??
hehehe :) Miss you Kathy!!!!
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