So I was at Ben and Kelsey's again yesterday (I hope they aren't tired of me yet) and Ben came back inside from walking his sister and her family out and dropped the bomb that my tire was flat! I totally blame a certain friend for this because she just had a flat tire and my car is so sympathetic that it didn't want the other car to feel bad so it purposly drove over a nail. Ok so maybe I drove over the nail but the real culprit is whoever was trying to hang a picture in the middle of the road.....what were they thinking!? Anyway Ben is so nice that he changed my tire for me and Kelsey and Amy are so nice both of them offered to take it in for me tomorrow to get it fixed and Kelsey is even letting me use her van. I would use Amy's car but it's been approximately 13 years since I've driven a stick and I'm sure her car wouldn't be the same after the trip.
The wrap up is that I love my friends and I'm glad they are in my life, not just for stuff they do for me but because they are wonderful people and make my life better.
I am so glad we are friends. It makes me so happy that you and Amy live next door. I hope you guys don't regret it! :)
I'll never regret it!!!
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