Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've been thinking about it for a while so I finally did it. I bought a bike. I figured it is an exercise I'll actually do and enjoy. I bought a helmet today so I took my first official ride after work. It was enough fun that I'm more excited for it to warm up a bit so I can really ride. It was a bit too cold tonight to ride very long, I think my ears were freezing off. I hope to soon be about 75% of the woman I am today.


The Clifts said...

That is awesome. I should do that too. It would be a good escape I think and exercise to boot. As Charlie would say, "Great Isinking Kathy!" Which translated is a mixture of Great Idea and Good thinking...I don't know where he gets it.:)

Deon Christensen said...

I want a bike so bad. Maybe you getting one will motivate me to actually go out and look for one. Hope it's fun, make sure you get a comfy seat.