Kelsey had a Lemonade party yesterday for Mommy's and daughters and was nice enough to let me help and come along even though I don't technically have any children. I have one of those "Mother Hearts" that there was a talk on a few years ago. Anyway, we went all out on the food and stuff. Mostly due to Kelsey's creativity and a fun magazine. Here are a few before pictures.
We put some toulle on her awning to make it prettier. There was little pink flowers pinned to it too but those are hard to see.
We had jelly rolls, home made lemonade, cream puffs, fruit salad and pettit fours. They were taking forever to frost so we didn't frost them all.
Here are some place settings, we made fans, napkin rings and place cards to match.
It was a lot of fun to help put together and to get to be with friends to just visit and eat. Two of my favorite activites I must admit.