Guess what!! I went to the New Kids on the Block concert with my friends Amy, Ruth and Alexis on Saturday. It was AMAZING!! I know some of you are going to think I'm not cool as I used to be admitting I had a awsome time but I did. Around the middle of the concert the boys left the stage and came up in the center of the floor, did I mention we had floor seats?! Anyway they came up no more than 5 feet from our seats!! Amy and the others made it close to the point they came up, I think Amy said she was just a couple feet from them. I stood on a chair for most of the time they were there (I say most of the time because security didn't really appriciate that I was standing on the chair). Anyway the chair brought me up to eye level with the guys and I realize what an idiot I'm going to sound like when I say this but I totally made eye contact with Joey and Donny!!!'s some pictures Amy was able to take

This is when they first came out on stage
The Girls
Up close and personal (ok not really personal but you get it)

Yummy, close, darn security!!

Yes, that's David Archuletta, he was at the concert too.